About Me

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I am a math major hoping to become a high school math teacher sometime in the near future. I enjoy observing the lives of others and helping them in any way possible. Unfortunately, I am not omnipotent, so I can't see everyone or help everyone as much as I'd like to. There's nothing I love more than making people laugh and smile. Nothing else in the world makes me feel more valuable than my ability to give people a glimmer of happiness as often as I can. It's fun, it's easy, and I can do it anywhere!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My Survey

How Is Your Future Looking?

I wrote a Form that I titled "How Is Your Future Looking?" It is composed of a series of questions about each person's particular set of experiences, interests and goals, such as what grade area they wish to teach, their subject of focus, why they want to become teachers, what their hobbies are, etc. Then I ask them how they felt about EDM 310. Finally, I ask them if they feel that their experiences and interests will be applicable to their goals as teachers. Here is a link to the results.


11 out of 21 people said that they wanted to teach Elementary school.
6 out of 21 have extra curricular activities.
10 out of 21 believe that they will go to graduate school after they receive their bachelor's.
14 out of 21 believe that they can use their hobbies to become better teachers.

These are just a few of the answers to a few of my questions. The rest can be viewed at the link above. Most of the questions are personalized questions. In the end, most of the students can and plan to use their life experiences and interests to become great teachers, and that if they are able to put what they love into their work, their futures are looking pretty good.

Oh, and 7 out of 21 prefer strawberry cupcakes, with Johnny Depp and ninjas tying for second at 2 a piece. No relevance whatsoever, but I thought it would be fun.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

April 25, 2010

Personal Learning Environment

Putting together a Learning Environment like that is very impressive, especially for a 7th grader. Such a project would require so much organization and patience, neither of which I have much of. Maintaining all of those sources in one place is pretty cool. I should really put together something like that. However, again, the organization and patience is an issue.

Two Questions

That video was just downright amazing. It was only 2 and a half minutes long, yet it was just mind warping. I have no idea what my sentence will be, but I hope that it will be one that will rock the minds of those who hear it. As far as the question of if I am better now than I was yesterday, I would say no. I don't think I have evolved very much. I try my best to be a good person, and I think I do ok at it, but I could definitely do better. I wish I was a better son and brother to my family. I can only do so much, but somehow I always feel like I let them down. I need to keep the second question in mind, so that I can become a better person. I want to be a better family member...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Comments4Kids Week 14

I read a post from pes16 by Huelo-Ata. The child made an animation about arrival of the Maori and Europeans at New Zealand where they began to argue over the land. The animation itself was pretty impressive for such a young child. I am almost 20 years older than this child and she can definitely draw much better than I can. Anyway, this child has a lot of potential in her creativity and could do good things with her life. Maybe not as an artist, but definitely something creative.

Skype is King!

I have used this program for years. It has made me able to keep in touch with my friends and family in Mobile while I was living in Houston. When I moved back to Mobile, I used it to stay in contact with my new found friends from Houston. It truly is an amazing program. Since this school year started, I started using it for academic purposes. I use it to keep in touch with my math instructors from Houston and some of my current professors from South including Dr. Strange. Thanks to his constant availability on Skype, I have been able to get any questions I have about EDM 310 answered almost right away. This is a great program and I urge everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, to get it.

The Rise of Maximum The Hormone!

Maximum the Hormone: The Hard JRock Journey

This is my all time favorite band, so I thought I would share with everyone a little bit of the history of the band. Enjoy!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

April 11, 2010

Dr. Seuss

The Zax are stubborn beings who, when they have a goal or a way of accomplishing something that they have done for so long, they will not falter from the matter at hand. It may not have been the purpose of the video, but it is now a metaphor about teachers being stubborn. It is true that there are a lot of teachers who are still living in the past because they are too stubborn to work along side other people to achieve both of their goals. Ask anyone that it is much easier to do something as a team than as individuals. Team work will make things so much easier and the world will only get better when more people understand that.

PS22: Landslide

Those children were amazing. My church could use lessons from them. By putting this video on the internet, attention was brought to Rock Superstar Stevie Nicks. This is one my partner, Kelly McKinnell, and I mentioned in our podcast. Just by putting a video on the YouTube displaying your talents, there are ways that you can be discovered by famous talent.

Ryan Narciso, an individual who played his own remakes of popular songs with his own twist, used his Youtube profile to showcase his talent. One of the songs he covered was a Miley Cyrus song that was popular at the time. The video made it's way to the computer screen of Miley Cyrus's personal Youtube profile, where she commented and acknowledged his talent. Unfortunately, the music covers that made him so popular were copyrighted and Youtube has disabled his account.

Another individual, who made it mainstream, is Hip Hop Sensation Soulja Boy. He recorded his first song, "Crank That," demonstrating the Soulja Boy dance. The movie made it to the computer of an executive at Interscope Records, and the rest is history. If these people can make it big time, why can't anyone else? It only makes too much sense to show off your talents as best you can. They may become famous one day.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

April 4, 2010

The Intrepid Teacher: Singing Hearts

Professor Jabiz Raisdana is a professor from Doha, Qatar. The first thing I noticed when I got into this blog was the grammatical error at the beginning: "I was going to beginning by saying that I have another Twitter Tale." Wow... However, he is from Qatar, so I'm sure the language barrier has a lot to do with it. Back to the matter at hand, he speaks about how Twitter was one of the many ways for his three year old daughter, Kaia, in Qatar was able to communicate with students in Missouri. The fact that his three year old daughter can use Twitter already was remarkable in itself, much less that she can use it to communicate with students on the opposite side of the globe! He goes on to talk about a book that he is reading called "The Last Child in the Woods," which makes him want to take his daughter out to explore their surroundings where they took pictures together and just enjoyed life. How amazing that in a desert and construction ravaged city, a father and daughter can still go out and enjoy the scenery together, and that a girl of such a small age can see the beauty in nearly nothingness.

Dear Kaia: This, This, That

Kaia, the three year old daughter of Professor Raisdana from Qatar, wrote her own blog to go along side her father's showing all of the picture that they took together. It didn't really occur to me exactly how young the girl was until I heard her voice. It's remarkable how much influence a parent can have on a child's mood. That a man can take his daughter outside into a desert and show her a great time that she will probably not soon forget just because of her father. It makes you wonder, if a little girl in a desert can smile and enjoy the lifelessness of a desert, why are so many people inside all of the time wasting their lives in front of TVs and computers?

Comments4Kids: Week 12

I watched a video of a little boy named Sebastion speaking in Maori. This was a language I have never heard of before, but it was really nice to see younger people making their best attempt to keep their native language alive. I wish I was still strong in my Vietnamese, however as time has progressed I have lost more and more of it. I actually have a lot more Japanese than Vietnamese, as sad as that is. And all of the Japanese was self taught!